DC Future State Week Seven har för massor av klipphängare, men fantastisk berättelse

Vecka sju i DC Future State. Den näst sista veckan för en av de mest ambitiösa komikerhändelserna sedan … okej, X of Swords var inte så länge sedan, men innan det har det varit ett tag. Och verkligen är framtida stat till och med mycket mer ambitiös. Marvel stängde inte hela sin linje bara för att berätta för X om svärd, trots allt. Men nu när vi är de senaste två veckorna (täcker detta, det vill säga) ser vi hur det hela samlas – eller hur fel jag har varit de senaste fjorton artiklarna. kunde gå endera vägen.

Superman: Worlds of War #2 använder flera oavslutade berättelser i DC Future State Week Seven

Någon annan som får stark Anakin vs Kenobi på Mustafar vibber här? (Bild: DC Future State: Superman: Worlds of War #2, DC Comics)

Så i DC Future State: Superman: Worlds of War #2 har vi fyra trådar som måste samlas. För det första, Superman bryter kedjorna på slavarna på arenan. För det andra, Mister Miracle vänder på kommunikationen igen. För det tredje, midnighter tar den falska kryptoniten. och för det fjärde, svart racer som leder gratis slavar under arenan. Men vi ser aldrig hur alla dessa trådar samlas; Förhoppningsvis kommer det att hända nästa vecka. För tillfället, låt oss ta en titt på hur de kom till dessa punkter – eftersom komiken, även om den är oavslutad, fortfarande var riktigt jävla bra.


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De massor av dödsfall av Superman del 2 startar DC Future State Week Seven med kraftfull känsla

Detta är vad vi får när fantastiskt konst och fantastiskt skrivande kolliderar till något exceptionellt rörande. (Bild: DC Future State: Superman: Worlds of War #2, DC Comics)

Författare: Phillip Kennedy Johnson
Konstnär: Mikel J́anín
Colorist: Jordie Bellaire

Senaste numret, den första delen av denna berättelse blindade mig. Även om det fakturerades som en planet Hulk -berättelse, var det Johnson gav oss istället en fantastisk berättelse om Clark Kents värde – inte bara Superman. En ung kvinna som deltar i en Superman Vigil stormar av besvikelse eftersom allt någon som vill prata om är Superman. Hon vill prata om Clark Kent. I DC Future State Week Seven får vi reda på vad hon indikerar när hon säger att Clark räddade henne.

När vi ser Superman i Gladiator -ringen får vi också en av Clarks artiklar. Specifikt en dödsfall om en Metropolis -medborgare som dog hemlös, men hade ändå ett enastående liv. Men inte “fantastiskt” i betydelsen “stor”, men verklig förvåning. Edgar Watters var musiker, en krigshjälte, en medborgerliga rättighetsaktivist, en politiker, en filantrop och mer. Han kan ha dött anonym och ensam, men han hade mycket mer inverkan på metropol än någon individ inser. Sadie, den unga kvinnan, var redo att hoppa av en avsats, men Clarks inlägg inspirerade henne att fortsätta leva. Det finns inget förlorat liv.

Och vi ser Superman på Warworld, i de kämpande groparna och bryter långsamt kedjorna i alla Monguls slavar. Vi får också reda på att Mongul rutinmässigt dödar Superman och återuppstår honom bara för att slåss och dö igen. Dessutom får vi en fantastisk klipphanger när Warworld slavar håller upp sina trasiga kedjor. Mongul kanske vill börja springa nu.

Tid och effekt del två har en klassisk sci-fi-förklaring till vad som hände med Mister Miracle

Okej, det är många ondska utlänning som närmar sig, men du har magiska skiv saker, du kommer att ha det bra. (Bild: DC Future State: Superman: Worlds of War #2, DC Comics)

Författare: Brandon Easton
Konstnär: Valentine de Landro
Colorist: Marissa Louise
Mister Miracle är en av de få karaktärerna (kanske den enda) som fick fyra kapitel i backup -berättelserna. Men det finns en föreställning här. Easton berättade faktiskt två olika historier. I den första berättelsen hade Jonathan Kent just krympt Metropolis och lagt den i en snöklot. Nästan omedelbart dök dessa udda robotar upp och började attackera människor utan anledning. Men nästa gång vi såg Shiloh, återupplivade han på Warworld. Så … vi vet att han dog. Det var inte förrän följande vecka, som gick tillbaka till den första berättelsen, som vi får reda på hur. Efter att han använder all kraften i sin moderlåda för att döda robotarna, har en av dem precis tillräckligt kvar för att tappa honom ur existensen. Ändå finns det fortfarande den kvarvarande frågan: vem skickade robotarna, till att börja med.

Det var Mister Miracle. Japp! Tidsslingfysiktid. Shiloh skickade ett meddelande till jorden, men det avlyssnades av Jonathan Kent, som, som inte visste sammanhanget, trodde att det skulle komma från hans miniatyrmetropol. Det distribuerade robotarna för att neutralisera vad han tyckte var ett hot. Det hotet? Mister Miracle, som de dödade och skickade till Warworld, där han skickade ett meddelande till jorden som Jonathan Kent avlyssnade, men inte – såg? Lite slinga. Det är typ av enastående att vi inte fick en så klassisk sci-fi-trope förrän DC Future State Week Seven. Men även om det är en klassisk headscratcher använder Easton det underbart. Också fram och tillbaka between the two stories made the narrative even better.

In DC Future state Week Seven, Mister miracle Fixes a plot hole from Superman of Metropolis.
Can you describe that one a lot more time? (Bild: DC Future State: Superman: Worlds of War #2, DC Comics)

At the same time, it answers the question of how long Metropolis was in the dome. Ungefär. even though to Jonathan, it was just a long day, the space travel they encountered thanks to brain Cells warped the time around the dome. We actually knew that already, from Superman of Metropolis #2. However, that time variance also affects the time distance between earth and wherever brain Cells took the city. So, while Johnathan Kent and Kara Zor-El can fly to that point in the universe in a day, the actual difference in time for earth was several months—maybe even years, considering the sentiment around Jonathan in Superman: Worlds of war #1. Time variation by means of space travel, always a headache, right?

Midnighter part II uses a lot more Time loops – and a baby Midnighter!

Awwwwwwwwwwwww! (Bild: DC Future State: Superman: Worlds of War #2, DC Comics)

Writers: Becky Cloonan and Michael W Conrad
Artist: Michael Avon Oeming
Colorist: Jordie Bellaire
When we last saw Midnighter, he was facing his husband, Apollo, in a lab on Warworld. but did Apollo really go evil? Of course not, and no one is deceiving Midnighter. He doesn’t need the supercomputer in his brain to know that this is a Trojan Horse. Actually, it’s the CEO of Trojan Solutions, Andrej Trojan. A bit on the nose. but hey, marvel has a character named Victor Von Doom, so this isn’t even that bluntly literal. Trojan wants humankind to “ascend” by getting rid of the body and replacing it with wires and mechanics. Yet his explanation is actually kind of profound. He tells Midnighter, “Suffering is brought upon by the very meat we mistake as the self.” Sure, it’s a villain speaking, but it’s also the best argument against America’s toxic diet culture. but instead of becoming robots, we can be content with the bodies we have.

More Time travel Shennanigans in DC Future state Week Seven

We’ve already some crazy time travel in DC Future state week seven, with Mister Miracle’s experience. but get ready for some bizarre scenes. Actually, remember that scene in Avengers: Endgame when Ant-Man keeps trying to travel through time, but time traveled through him? ad we got baby Ant-Man, old man Ant-Man, and teenage Ant-Man? Midnighter gets that treatment. When Trojan turns on a time nexus machine, we get the baby Midnighter seen above, and then he’s sped forward into old man Midnighter. Yet, while he’s old, another Midnighter shows up through the Nexus to help him.

It turns out he was helping all along and was from the past. Hur är det mojligt? because the old man version goes through the Nexus, becomes the proper age again, and figures out a way to get to war world in the future to help his older self do exactly that. What does the younger Midnighter do after he tosses his older self through the Nexus? Not quite sure. He says he’s stuck in a paradox, but he also seems complimentary from it too. like I said before, time travel – amirite?

Now, moving on to the last Superman: Worlds of war story in DC Future state week seven.

Black Racer part II Exemplifies the greatest fault in DC Future state Week Seven: fun Stories, No real Resolutions

Her dating profile said “kind of tall,” not “monolith tall.” (Bild: DC Future State: Superman: Worlds of War #2, DC Comics)

Writer: Jeremy Adams
Artist: Sia Oum
Colorist: Hi-Fi
So, this story is a bit hard to critique. On the one hand, the Black Racer’s character development was wonderful. However, there’s no resolution to the story. We get the continually recurring “The End” with a question mark. and the same happened in every story of DC Future State: Superman: Worlds of war and other week seven titles. but for now, let’s focus on Black Racer, because she’s an exceptional character.

Her backstory isn’t clear, but her motivation is. someone killed her, and she wants revenge. Yet, while blasting her way through the lower rings of Warworld, she inadvertently starts leading a rebellion. and while she’s not there to lead freed slaves, she still lets them join her. I don’t know where this character will pop up next, but I hope we will see a lot more of her soon. Also, hopefully, we’ll see what happens to Warworld in DC Future state week eight considering that we only got “to be continued” in week seven.

Immortal wonder woman #2 features two of the best stories in DC Future state Week Seven

about the same chances of me getting a date with Gal Gadot. (Image: DC Future State: Immortal wonder woman #2, DC Comics)

Wonder woman is having a terrific few years, but not just because she’s had a hit motion picture and a big (yet divisive) sequel. She’s risen to such prominence in DC Comics, both as a franchise and as a character. As we saw at the end of Dark Nights: deathMetal, she literally ascends to a godhood above the pantheons – to one who can shape the universe. However, along with Diana, the rest of the Amazonian warriors are also doing well. Sure, Yara got her own series for DC Future State. but Nubia gets a terrific conclusion in week seven, even if it’s the backup story of Immortal wonder Woman. So, let’s take a look!

Diana prince part 2 might Be the most stunning story of This entire Event

Writers: Becky Cloonan and Michael W Conrad
Artist: Jen Bartel
Okay – how to review and recap this without crying. Cloonan and Conrad wrote what really must have been the last story of DC Future State, not in week seven. Varför? because it’s literally about the end – and beginning – of everything. wonder woman is alone at the end of time, one of just two souls left in the universe. She keeps trying to find signs of life, but after eons, she nearly gives up hope. But, finally, she runs into one last living soul, the Spectre. It’s a deeply emotional exchange. Spectre was just waiting for wonder woman to find him so that he could finally die. and then there’s this exchange:

At least with writing, no one can see me crying. (Image: DC Future State: Immortal wonder woman #2, DC Comics)

When Spectre dies (which, just writing that, the metaphor is a bit of a smack in the face, but not a bad one), wonder woman finally succumbs to the darkness destroying the universe. but then something expected and yet still extraordinary happens. She outlasts the darkness and sparks a new universe. But, let’s just let Jen Bartel show us because her artwork in this comic is amazing. Plus, it indicates I don’t have to keep trying to avoid getting weepy.

Bara vackert. (Image: DC Future State: Immortal wonder woman #2, DC Comics)

Nubia chapter 2 Brings Power and legacy to DC Future state Week Seven

Villain problem: must they run or just cower(Image: DC Future State: Immortal wonder woman #2, DC Comics)

Writer: LL McKinney
Penciler: Alitha Martinez
Inker: mark Morales
Colorist: Emilio Lopez
Where Diana Prince’s story was about the end of all things, Nubia’s story transcends past and, well, the present future state. Last issue, Nubia kicked the crap out of the goddess – or godling – Grail. Grail gathered various artifacts of power that do what all-powerful artifacts do: release some kind of evil dark thing. but that doesn’t matter. What does matter is what we learn about this wonder Woman, Nubia. Or, must we call her the Guardian? Because, as it turns out, she’s vital when it pertains to guarding such things as evil artifacts.

When Grail summons the goddess Circe, she thinks the goddess will easily remove Nubia’s tiara, which is actually another goddess’s crown. but the a lot more Circe tries to get the crown off of Nubia, the a lot more tough it becomes. Finally, Circe breaks something – the shackles holding Nubia back. The “lost Amazonian” [turned out to be] the protected Amazonian. Oh, protected by whom? all of THE GODDESSES. mostly the Yoruba river goddess Oshun.

Nubia kicks both Circe and Grail’s asses and takes the artifacts back to her aunt’s for safekeeping. It also leaves Nubia in a place for an amazing solo series, which is probably the point. However, unlike all the stories in Superman: Worlds of War, Nubia’s story both concludes and leaves her story open. The way comics are meant to work.

And that just leaves us with one a lot more DC Future state week seven story.

Shazam #2 Confirms a major theory about the Unkindness and the teen Titans

any individual who can strike concern in Shazam must themselves be feared. (Image: DC Future State: Shazam! #2, DC Comics)

Writer: Tim Sheridan
Penciler: Eduardo Pansica
Inker: Júlio Ferreira
Colorist: Marcelo Maiolo
Isn’t it terrific when you read one comic, form a hypothesis, and it actually turns out right? Okay, sure, I was absolutely wrong about Red Hood being Peacekeeper-01 in the Gotham Future state stories, but I at least got this one right. At the end of Future State: teen Titans #2, we see Shazam taking Raven,

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